Visiting times
Nursing/Residential Units (Upstairs)
Loved ones can visit residents on our residential and nursing units at any time. All we ask is that you avoid mealtimes, if possible. If this is unavoidable, we ask that you spend your time together in one of our other lounges or dining areas. This is to respect the privacy and dignity of our other residents.
Meal times are:
Breakfast: 9am - 10am
Lunch: 1pm - 2:30pm
Dinner: 5pm - 6:30pm
Supper: 8pm - 9pm
Recovery Unit (Downstairs)
In order to optimise the recovery and reablement of our residents, visiting times for our recovery unit are restricted to:
Please speak to a senior member of the team if you need to request to visit outside of these times.
The Cedar Unit
Loved ones can visit The Cedar Unit at any time. Our staff will give you a key fob that you can use to access the unit out of normal hours.